


The SC Film Production Fund was created to develop collaborative short projects in film, video and multimedia between professionals in motion picture and related industries, and South Carolina institutions of higher learning. Independent producers and other professionals in motion picture-related fields partner with South Carolina colleges, working with their students to help South Carolina build its knowledge pool and improve the skills of those already involved in the industry. 


SC Film Commission  & USC's "Get on Set" 


Grants FAQs

What grants are available?

There are currently two production grants available from the South Carolina Film Commission – INDIE GRANTS through Trident Technical College and GET ON SET through the University of South Carolina. Submission requirements and all other details for each are available at those links.

How are projects selected for funding?

Independent evaluators employed by each grant review all required submission materials and select projects to fund based on the quality of the script and feasibility within the grant’s parameters. The process is as fair and transparent as possible.

Do you fund features or short films? What type of films are considered?

INDIE GRANTS focuses on short films. GET ON SET produces low-budget features.

All genres and film types are welcomed. Creativity and originality is king.

What sort of funding and support is available?

There is a limited pool of funds available for these grants. INDIE GRANTS typically provides $35K per short film project. GET ON SET funding amounts vary per project selected. Both grants provide production support throughout, including the possible use of Trident Technical College film equipment and other resources from grant partners.

Do you support documentaries?

Only narrative films are eligible for these grants, as they are the best fit for the training requirements of the programs and they naturally encompass all departments (Art, Costumes, AD, Camera, G/E, etc.). This best lines up with the South Carolina Film Commission’s mission to train crew for jobs across the industry.

When are submissions accepted?

INDIE GRANTS submissions are typically due late Summer, with selections made in September or October. Those projects have until the following May to expend their grant funds.

GET ON SET typically accepts submissions in the Fall/Winter, with production occurring the following Summer.

Contact The Film Commission

South Carolina Film Commission
1205 Pendleton Street, Room 225
Columbia, SC 29201

Call one of our representatives below:

Matt Storm

Matt Storm

Manages the Film Office, oversees auditing, payment, grants, training, economic development-marketing.

Tel: 803-737-1785
Dan Rogers

Dan Rogers

Manages locations, scouts, permitting, location database, websites, economic development-marketing.

Tel: 803-737-0496