Road Permits
Special Effects Permits
The good news about permits in South Carolina is that there are relatively few. Please call our office if you have any questions about which places require a special use permit. The few exceptions are:
Within the corporate limits of the city or county of Charleston.
Alexia Sosa
Film and Photography Manager
City of Charleston
75 Calhoun Street, Suite 3400
Charleston, SC 29401
(843) 579-6422
Charleston online premit form
Within the corporate limits of the city of Beaufort. Please click here to review their guidelines.
Within Horry County and the corporate limits of Myrtle Beach. Please send pertinent details about your shoot to our office, and we will pass the request to the appropriate entities.
Within Georgetown County. Please click here to review their guidelines and application.
Within the corporate limits of the city of Greenville. Please click here to review their guidelines and application.
Within any state-owned parks. Contact Daniel Gambrell, Chief, Park Operations for South Carolina Parks, Recreation and Tourism, 1205 Pendleton Street, Columbia, SC 29201: (803) 734-0345; or our office: (803) 737-0496.
Within federally owned properties such as federal forests, buildings or military installations. Contact the South Carolina Film Commission: (803) 737-0496.
The FAA regulates all drone operations, which includes requiring drone operators to hold a Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate
When operating aerial drones for commercial use, please refer to the FAA summary rules.
Production Insurance Requirements
All productions are required to send our office an original copy of their Certificate of Insurance
- Permit holder shall hold a one-million-dollar ($1,000,000.00) liability insurance policy covering bodily injury, including death, and property within the state.
- "The State of South Carolina and its Agents" shall be named as an additional insured in said policy.
- Indemnity. Permit holder shall indemnify and hold harmless The State of South Carolina, and its employees and agents from and against any and all damages, suits, actions, or liabilities, including attorney fees, resulting from any of the activities arising under said permit.
Our mailing address:
SC Film Commission
1205 Pendleton St.
Room 225
Columbia, SC 29201

Contact The Film Commission
South Carolina Film Commission
1205 Pendleton Street, Room 225
Columbia, SC 29201
Call one of our representatives below:

Matt Storm
Manages the Film Office, oversees auditing, payment, grants, training, economic development-marketing.
Tel: 803-737-1785 EMAIL
Dan Rogers
Manages locations, scouts, permitting, location database, websites, economic development-marketing.
Tel: 803-737-0496 EMAIL