Bid Tabulations, Results, Notices of Intent to Award

Bid Tabulations / Results

  1. Santee State Park Tackle Shop Pier Repair
  2. Stool Mountain Trail Construction 
  3. The Venues at Arsenal Hill - Lace House Renovation
  4. Santee Cabin Renovations, Phase 1
  5. REBID Calhoun Falls Campground Utilities-Campground #2
  6. Shoreline Stabilization - Sadlers Creek RE-BID
  7. Paris Mountain State Park Road Washout Repair
  8. State Park Dam Repairs - Barnwell State Park
  9. Ramsey Grove New Park Development- Entrance Road Improvements

Notices of Intent to Award and A&E Selection

Minor Construction Projects (under $50,000) are awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. No Notice of Intent to Award is issued for Minor Construction Projects nor can they be protested. Please see bid tabs for information.


    1. Hunting Island Lighthouse Repairs
    2. Fair Play Welcome Center
    3. North Augusta Welcome Center
    4. North Mansion Complex (Venues at Arsenal Hill)
    5. Santee State Park Tackle Shop Pier Repair
    6. Stool Mountain Trail Construction
    7. The Venues at Arsenal Hill - Lace House Renovation
    8. Santee Cabin Renovations, Phase 1
    9. REBID Calhoun Falls Campground Utilities-Campground #2
    10. The Venues at Arsenal Hill - The Pavilion
    11. Shoreline Stabilization - Sadlers Creek RE-BID
    12. Hunting Island State Park Cabins (Notice of Selection)
    13. Hunting Island State Park Cabins (Notice of Award)
    14. Hunting Island Road Repairs - Russ Point Road and Shoreline Stabilization (Notice of Selection)
    15. Hunting Island Road Repairs - Russ Point Road and Shoreline Stabilization (Notice of Award)
    16. State Park Dam Repairs- Barnwell State Park
    17. Ramsey Grove New Park Development- Entrance Road Improvements


Under Construction

  • Santee Cabin Renovations, Phase 1
  • Hunting Island Lighthouse Repairs
  • The Venues at Arsenal Hill - Renovation - Lace House
  • Stool Mountain Trail
  • Santee Tackle Shop Pier Repairs
  • Calhoun Falls Campground Utilities- Campground #2 RE-BID
  • Shoreline Stabilization - Sadlers Creek RE-BID
  • Paris Mountain State Park Road Washout Repair
  • State Park Dam  Repairs - Barnwell State Park


Under Development

  • Hunting Island State Park Cabins
  • Hunting Island Road Repairs- Russ Point Road and Shoreline Stabilization
  • The Venues at Arsenal Hill - Renovation - Pavillion 
  • Fair Play Welcome Center
  • North Augusta Welcome Center